Should You Form Your Business as a Florida Entity?
As you work through the process of starting a new business, you’ll have lots of difficult decisions to make. However, there are perhaps none more important than choosing the state in which you will incorporate your new entity. There are many reasons to form a business in Florida, including: Strong Corporate Veil …
Does My Business Need to Hire an Attorney?
Small business owners are faced with many decisions every day on how to run and handle their business. As an entrepreneur, the last thing any business owner wants to focus on is legal tasks, issues, paperwork, and especially legal negotiations or lawsuits. After all, owners should be handling the day-to-day operations of their business,…
Strategies to Negotiate Business Contracts
When you are starting a new business, having strong agreements is important. Well-drafted agreements will protect you and your business in the event of a dispute or legal action. However, most contracts involve complex or nuanced issues that non-lawyers would not be aware of and it is important for non-lawyer business owners not to undertake…
Rights of Partners in a Business Divorce
Are you planning to separate from your business partner? If so, it’s crucial for you to understand your rights before you begin the process. The exact nature of your rights will depend on the structure of your business. However, they will typically include: The Right to Access Essential Company Information As a…
Issues to Consider When Litigating a Business Divorce
When you start a business with another person, you hope it will thrive for many years to come. If it doesn’t, you will need to find a way to end your relationship. Most business attorneys will tell you the best way to separate from a business partner is through a process of negotiation and…
Resolving a Business Divorce
Are you ready to separate from your business partner? If so, it is essential for you to understand the three main routes you can take to resolve your business divorce. They are: Direct Negotiation Negotiating directly with your partner is undoubtedly the quickest, easiest, and most affordable way to resolve your business divorce. …
Issues to Consider Before a Business Divorce
Nobody forms a business partnership with the expectation that it will all fall apart one day in the future. Nonetheless, these dissolutions (or divorces) happen regularly. They are usually caused by factors such as: Poor business decisions Personal disagreements Financial mismanagement Owner death or illness, or Government intervention If you are thinking about…
Common Business Disputes that Could Lead to Litigation
If you own a business, you understand the importance of good planning. You likely spent hours upon hours researching and organizing before you even opened your doors to the public. Successful businesses don’t just happen, they are the result of careful planning and execution. Unfortunately, some business owners overlook an essential aspect of their business…
What is Injunctive Relief?
When Florida businesses, business owners, or other parties take legal action against individuals or businesses that caused them harm, they often seek monetary damages. In some cases, though, money is not sufficient to compensate victims for their losses. In such an instance, they may request injunctive relief. Injunctive relief is a legal remedy that…
How Can I Recover My Attorney’s Fees in Florida?
Almost everyone that goes into a lawsuit wants to know if they can win their attorney’s fees if they win their case. After all, who wouldn’t want their attorney’s fees covered? As a business litigation law firm in Florida, we are often asked this question by clients. Like most legal topics, the answer is…
What Rights do Minority Shareholders Have in Florida?
Shareholders in the state of Florida can be broadly categorized into two groups: Majority Shareholders: Individuals or entities that own and control over 50 percent of a company’s shares, and Minority Shareholders: Individuals or entities that own and control less than 50 percent of a company’s shares Florida law grants majority shareholders the…