How Can I Recover My Attorney’s Fees in Florida?

Almost everyone that goes into a lawsuit wants to know if they can win their attorney’s fees if...
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What Rights do Minority Shareholders Have in Florida?

Shareholders in the state of Florida can be broadly categorized into two groups:    Majority Shareholders: Individuals or...
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3 Steps to Protecting Expert Communications in Litigation

During litigation, plaintiffs and defendants will do everything within their power to gain access to the opposing lawyer’s...
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Elon Musk’s Purchase of Twitter and Taking a Public Company Private

If you have been paying attention to the news recently, you have probably heard that Elon Musk is...
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Common Post-Closing Merger and Acquisition Disputes

In the merger and acquisition (M&A) process, both the buyers and the sellers can spend significant amounts of...
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Personal Guarantees for Commercial Leases

Whether you own a small retail space or a large warehouse, it is crucial to protect your property....
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An Overview of the Florida Deceptive & Unfair Trade Practices Act (FDUTPA)

Often regarded as a mirror of the Federal Trade Commission Act, the Florida Deceptive & Unfair Trade Practices...
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What is a Tortious Interference with Contractual or Business Relationships Claim?

All businesses rely on contracts to operate efficiently and to protect business interests.  A tortious interference with a...
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Why Your Business Needs a Legal Audit

As most business owners are aware, an IRS audit is designed to scrutinize the tax return of an...
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The Difference Between a Breach of Fiduciary Duty and Professional Negligence

Claims of breach of fiduciary duty and professional negligence can be similar, but it is essential to understand...
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Common Legal Mistakes by Small Business Owners

Few things require as much dedication and commitment as running a business. Ask just about any successful entrepreneur...
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How Outside General Counsel Can Help Protect Your Business

More and more, companies are turning to outside general counsel (“GCs”) for assistance with their legal needs. In...
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